Pool Information

Pool Hours:

Monday - Saturday: 12:00 noon - 8:00pm

Sunday: 1:00pm - 8:00pm

Pool Season runs from Memorial Day through Labor Day

Pool Check-in:

All pool members must stop at the office desk and check in with pool staff prior to entering. Please note, the pool only accepts cash or check.

Guest passes:

We will no longer be selling day passes to the public, however if you are a current resident or have an outside membership, you may purchase guest passes. Guest passes can be purchased for $4.00 each or 10 passes for $30, payment in cash or check at the pool. Thank you for your understanding!

Pool Rental:

The WW pool pavilion may be rented during open hours by residents and pool members for $100 for 3 hours. The WW Pool may be rented by anyone after hours (8-11pm) for $250. This cost covers lifeguards and use of the pavilion, to ensure safety for your pool party attendees.

Outside Pool Memberships:

Membership registration is COMING SOON for the 2022 Season. Stay tuned!